BETWEEN BORDERS, a special movie based on a riveting true story, is coming to theaters in January. The movie—and the true story—wouldn’t exist without the Church. The main characters in the movie met Christ in a local church, planted by a church across the globe with the heart for the nations. Make your plans for take your church to see BETWEEN BORDERS on opening night, Sunday, January 26. The movie will be in theaters January 26-28 only.
Get Tickets HereMeet the Real Family, along with cast members (including Elizabeth Tabish from The Chosen), and filmmakers in this short video focusing on the heart behind the film. Be inspired and see BETWEEN BORDERS.
Make an impact in your church by seeing this powerful film together! Tickets are now available online for your local theater. Or, if you have a group of 20 or more, our Group Tickets team is ready to serve you.
Take Your Group Find Theaters & ShowtimesBETWEEN BORDERS will leave you thinking through important issues. This free discussion guide will help you, your family, or your small group tackle some of these questions.
Download Discussion GuidePastors, take your church to see BETWEEN BORDERS and then utilize this free sermon outline to go deeper with the themes and topics raised by this powerful story.
Download Sermon Outline
“BETWEEN BORDERS is a powerfully moving account of a family who suffered rejection, persecution, and exclusion before finding their home and hope in Jesus and His church. It is a compelling reminder of the impact we as Christ-followers can make in loving and accepting those who have been discarded and mistreated by others—as truly valued and loved by God and His family.”
Rev. Jim Ritchie, Nazarene Global Missions Director
“A must-see film that will leave you clapping for justice. The acting and production was phenomenal.”
Claudia Novakoski, Communications Director, Grace Fellowship Church